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Fengjia Zhang 张 凤 嘉

I'm a high school student from China. Now I study in Vermont. This is my website to record my life and put the films I made. I like to play the piano and dance during my free time. I started to play the piano and dance since I was 6 years old. I chose to take the cinematography class because I like to film. I have watched a lot of movies. Some of them are my favorite. For example, Mission Impossible, Pirates of the Caribbean and X Man. Welcome to my website. Nice to meet you!

Conduct the interview 

This is the first time for me to conduct an interview. First, I need to ask some basic questions like, what is your name? How old are you? Then I can ask some questions about the hobbies. It is pretty interesting to ask these questions. I need to stand very close to the camera because the person whom you are interviewing need to look at you. So it is important to stand close to the camera. Also, I need to pay attention to the answers. Every answer of my question needs to be a complete sentence. For example, if I ask "Do you want to keep playing piano in college?" The answer should be " I will/not keep playing piano in college..." During the interview, I needed to pay attention to this. Since this is my first time to interview, I did not know what questions to ask after a while. Then we needed to stop and think about what to ask next. After the whole process to interview, I started to cut the interview and add B roll. It is easy to learn how to cut the part that I was asking. And also I need to search some pictures that related to the topic that we interviewed. Anyway, it can be successful as my first interview.

Be the  interviewee

As an interviewee, I felt really excited and a little bit nervous. I need to pay attention to answer the whole sentences and look at the person who was interviewing me. It is interesting that I did not need to do it with no error because I know that the error part can be cut after. But still, I tried to make less error when I was answering the questions. 

Film (Director of Photography, or DP)

Since there were only two people in our group, I did not get a chance to film.

Conduct the interview 

This is my second time to interview. Since Emma is my friend, so I know what questions to ask besides the basic questions. For example, I know she is in the cross country team, so I asked her a lot of questions about the cross country team. One time, when I asked her "Are you going to join the cross country team in college." She answered, " yes, I will." So I needed to ask again and she needed to answer the whole sentence. When I cut the interview, I realized that it was much easier than the first time I cut it. One of the reasons is that I was more familiar with cutting the video. The other reason is that Emma answered the questions very specifically, so I did not need to ask so many questions. It was easier for me to cut the asking part. 

Be the  interviewee

This time, Wendy was the person who asked me questions. We are familiar with each other. And we are all from the same country. So when she asked me questions about China, her questions were more specific. Because I knew Wendy pretty well, so I did not felt nervous like the first time, and also because it is my second time. I answered a lot of questions about my hobby like I like to play piano and cello during my free time. It was fun this time, and I actually enjoyed the process of being in front of a camera. 

Film (Director of Photography, or DP)

It was easy to film the interview. Since I did not get the chance to film it last time. It was my first time to do it. I just needed to know which button to click to start the interview and how to end it. Before I started it, I needed to check how the person looked like on the screen. I needed to adjust the height and the angle. 

This is the first plushie I made. Actually, I did not know what to film at that time. So I just did nothing and just film it. However, many people think it is funny. They told me that it was funny because it was different from other plushies. They expect what will happen later but actually, nothing happened. That's why it makes this plushie funny. I filmed from the top and gradually move to the bottom to film the fox. Then finally focused on the fox and zoom to the grass. After that, I put a cartoon show at the end and let the music go on. 

This is the second plushie that I made. After I made the first plushie, I know how to film better. So this time, there is a story in this plushie. When I saw the snowman, I chose to use it. I went outside and saw that it was raining outside. So I thought that the snowman missed winter. So I know that my story is about a snowman who misses winter and feel lonely. Then he met his friend, a fox. The fox promises the snowman to wait for winter 

together. I started to film the back of the snowman standing inside of the building and looking outside through the window. After I filmed the rain outside, I started to film the scene that the snowman sitting in the library and reading books. I filmed the clock that was on the wall and insert the sound of the clock to show the time that has passed. Then I zoomed to the calendar because I wanted to show the snowman missed winter and hoped the winter would come soon. Then I started to film the fox that sat in exactly the same place as the snowman sat before. Finally, I filmed the two of them sitting in front of the window and waiting for winter together. For the music inside, I chose the instrumental music. For example, I chose the sad music when the snowman was watching the rain outside. I chose the jazz music in the library scene. They all fit the atmosphere.

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